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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do We Really Own eBooks?

This week I read Seth Godin's Unleashing the SUPER Ideavirus on Vook.  I really enjoyed the material, and I absolutely loved experiencing the content as a blend of text, video, and hyperlinks.  This is my first time purchasing an eBook (I've read a few free pdfs) and it was an overwhelmingly positive experience.

But I still won't be buying eBooks.  Not yet anyway.  Many people in cyberspace have proclaimed the death of bookstores, but don't be too sure.  It may cost me more money to buy a paperback, but it's completely mine.  I can reread it as often as I want.  I can loan it to a friend.  I can give it away if I want.

eBooks are cheaper than physical books and more convenient to purchase.  Click a button and it's on the screen of your eReader in seconds.  You can still reread your books, unless you don't want to keep your current eReader.  What if you purchased Linchpin for your Kindle last fall?  Will you still use your Kindle when the iPad comes out?  What happens if you buy the iPad and something new comes out in a year?  Does all of the content you bought become worthless?

Last fall I bought Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion at a local Barnes and Noble.  Not long after I bought The 4-Hour Workweek from  Barnes and Noble didn't make me give back Influence.  I still have it, and I've gone to it for reference at least once after reading it.

Until eBook sellers figure out how to let customers own the material they buy physical book will still have their share of buyers, including me.

Any avid eBook readers please feel free to comment!
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